Writer/Creator/Artist-Will Robson
Colorist-Andrew Dalhouse
Colorist-Des Taylor
Past posts in this series we have discussed Will Robson’s Zombie anthology series Outbreaks, which you can get as an add-on with this Kickstarter, and how much I love that series. Will is an artist that I first really took note of while he was drawing the unfortunately short lived Great Lakes Avengers series over at Marvel. During that run I reached out to him to be a guest on my podcast, the Fortress of Comic News(your weekly shameless plug!), and that is how I got to know him. Over the years I have had the privilege of chatting with him a few times on the show, and help promote his amazing work. Will is a great artist who’s ambitions in comics has brought him to make his own series and take them to the Kickstarter platform.
For this series, Mobster Mash in case you didn’t read the title, Will is diving into the crime/noir genre and mashing that with the classic movie monsters we all know and love. The premise is simple but promises to be a ton of fun taking a 1940s Los Angeles where these classic monsters are mobsters fighting for their chunk of territory. There is so much opportunity for awesome mash-ups. if you will, great fight sequences with characters we love, and story beats full of surprises. Check out some early black and white pages that Will posted on the Kickstarter page right here!

So now that you know what the comic is you are wondering what kind of things will I be pledging for in this campaign. For starters, of course, there is a digital version of the comic available for those that prefer the digital life. For my fellow physical peeps there are four different covers, with some special versions of each also available, from artist Will Robson and Des Taylor. The special versions include virgin variants, and shiny covers. There is also the opportunity to get original art from Will Robson, book marks, and certificates of authenticity. And let us not forget that he has the first three issues of his awesome zombie anthology series Outbreaks there as well. I can also say as a previous backer of Will’s that he always adds in some cool little goodies to his fulfillment as well.
Will Robson is a creator I have enjoyed for some time now, and was pleasantly surprised when he joined the ranks of crowdfunding comics. In this new series he chose to cater to me exclusively by mixing two things I am a big fan of, but I can promise you all that this comic will be great. Even as I have been trying to cut back on my Kickstarter backing, I can never resist a new comic from Will Robson’s independent imprint Speech Comics. I hope after reading this you all take a second to look over his campaign and make your pledge today!
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