Writer & Artist-Benjamin Morse
As I was thinking about what to spotlight this week Scarlet Twilight seemed like a must as I am a huge fan of Ben’s work and this series in particular. Then as the campaign went through it’s first couple of days I saw how popular the campaign was. It made me wonder what this series is for. Am I to spotlight projects trying to make their funding goal or just spotlight great comics on these platforms. I obviously decided that this is meant to showcase projects I believe should be in more hands whether they are still trying to hit their funding goal or are over 600% funded.
For those that don’t know the first volume of Scarlet Twilight was funded on Kickstarter over the past few years and was a homage to golden age comics, specifically Captain America. But of course there is a twist involved. It has all the action, excitement and story beats we would see in a classic Jack Kirby/Stan Lee title, or Jack Kirby/Joe Simon Captain America, or basically any comic that Jack THE KING Kirby was involved with. What sets it apart is that it is made for a more modern audience with art from my hands down favorite artist in the indie space. This is one of those series that I would put up with some of the best non-big two superhero titles out there bar none!
So you want to click on the link below and pledge to this project but want to know what to expect first. Well this comic is available in both digital and physical version that come in a standard 24 page comics and an expanded 48 page comic, or why not get both. For the physical backers the two comics have different covers but no variants, and the covers are drawn by Benjamin Morse himself. Plus if you are new to the series you can get the original series in a collected hardcover, or digitally for a steal at $9. Ben has also made available his other comic series August available as an add-on as well. So many great comics to check out.
As I said above I love Benjamin Morse’s work and Scarlet Twilight is a special series. If you love superhero comics, and I’m sure that is most of us, you have to give this series a try. The art is stunning, the panel work is crazy, and the story mixes Captain America with Batman the Animated Series with a sprinkle of classic horror. Make sure to check out the Kickstarter page using the button below!
Thank you all for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed the read. If you want to support this Substack, and me there are a few ways you can do that. For starters like this post, comment below your thoughts or if you pledged, and subscribe to the Substack to keep getting more. You could also check out the Fortress of Comic News podcast which comes out every week, sometimes twice a week, on most podcast services. Also you can find all the podcast content on YouTube, as well as more at YouTube.com/@FortressComics.
A quick reminder: I wanted to say that I made the decision to put the Crowdfunding Spotlight series on ice for the month of December. I will put this disclaimer at the end of each post through the month of November to remind you all. The decision came down to the simple fact that December is a tough month for crowdfunding. Last year it was very hard to find projects I wanted to bring to everyone’s attention, and when that happens it becomes hard to be excited to write about them. So I have decided that I will do two Retro Re-Read posts a week in December as we ramp back into the Marvel Comics series Rom the Spaceknight. Thank you for the support, and hope you all understand why I made this decision.