Hey all I am back after a short break to take care of some things with my professional career, and enjoy my birthday. During that time I spent some of it thinking over new ways to improve the format I started with these SubStack posts, and trying to grow the reach of the content I provide both on and off this platform. Hopefully you all agree that I am trying to accomplish is an improvement, if not please tell me in the comments.
Territory #1-5 Creatives:
Writer-Blake McCarthy
Artist(Issues 1-3)-Chris Sassman
Artist(Issues 4-5)-Donny Hadiwidjaja
Colorist-Ichsan Ansori
Letterer-Marco Della Verde
Editor-Nicole D’Andria
Way back in 2021 a creator by the name of Blake McCarthy reached out to be on my podcast, Fortress of Comic News(shameless plug). As I have always wanted our show to be accessible to creators at all levels I looked into the project and we had him on to talk about this ambitious comic series Territory. Since then we have talked many time both on and off air about the comic. Watching his star grow, and his abilities as well, has been one of the many pleasures of being a part of the comic book world. Now we are here today to talk about the finale of this comic, which was something Blake had once dreamed of achieving.
Territory is a comic book mini-series about a post-apocalyptic world where humanity goes back to a time where people worked together in tribes. These people worship massive Kaiju creatures that roam the land as they struggle to survive. We follow members of the Greathorn tribe as their faith is tested and they find themselves trying to figure out the truth in this world.
Ever since I first saw this series I was hooked on the concept of it. I am someone who enjoys a good Kaiju story as much as the next guy, growing up taping Godzilla marathons so I could watch them after school. I am also someone who loves a good post-apocalyptical story, everything from Mad Max to the Walking Dead and so on. Mixing these two ideas together felt so right in so many way. This was one of those ideas that makes me feel stupid for not thinking of it before Blake did. Weave in stories of faith, reality, and family to round it out and you end up with a series that feel truly unique in market of creative ideas. If you want to hear more about the comic from Blakes own mouth you can listen to my interview with him about this issue with the button right below.
For those of you that do jump on board and pledge to this Kickstarter Blake has so many great tiers and add-ons to offer. For context if you want to see variant covers for previous issues just go to the Kickstarter page and check them out using the button at the bottom of this post. For issue five he provide us with the choice of four covers by artists like Donny Hadiwidjaja, Martha Womersley, Megan Huang, and Matt Frank. Check out the cover gallery here to see them in that order.

As you know, because you listened to the interview I provided above, I am a huge fan of Martha Womersley’s covers. While I am normally a cover A kind of guy in this series I got all of her covers, including getting all the prints for them to put up in my office. Of course I didn’t forget about my digital friends out there, and yes there is a DRM Free PDF version you can get as well. Blake does also provide tiers to get the entire series, as well as variant cover collections of the comic. As for add-ons there is everything from extra copies of the comic, to book marks and prints based on Martha’s covers, to collectable cards, and even stickers.
If you are waiting to see if the campaign will fund before jumping on well good news it is already fully funded! That means stretch goals are in the works. As of writing this he has passed the first stretch goal which turns of the issue five PDFs into full script and artist edition digital copies of the comic. The second one is right our the bend at $5,000 pledged and will make it so every physical backer get a FREE Greathorn symbol embroidered patch with the packages. Blake has promised more stretch goals to come as he continues to pass more benchmarks.
Coming back after a break from writing this has been amazing, and coming back to write about possibly my favorite comic on Kickstarter is even better. Blake and his team has put all of their hearts into this project with every campaign and it shows. I can’t say enough how much I recommend checking out this comic. Get in now on the ground floor of an amazing comic book, and look forward to the future of comics that Blake is surely going to provide in the years to come. And for any comic creator out there HIRE MARTHA WOMERSLEY to do covers. It is a crime she doesn’t get more work.
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