After the first issue of Dick Tracy from Mad Cave Studios I was hooked. It hit all the right crime/noir spots that I love. With issue two we dive deeper into the world of Dick Tracy and get to know some of the players, both villains and friends.
Issue #2 also gives us more insight into the classic tropes that we all know from former Dick Tracy stories. They introduce some of his classic gadgets, and get to seem him working the case as the detective he is. The twist that was added into this issue was the flashbacks to Tracy’s time during World War 2, and how his military history still haunts him to this day. The team does a really great job of navigating his trauma from the war, and how it effects him today.
Cover Gallery
The art team in this issue continues to sell the world. Like last issue there is a scene that depicts extreme violence but is choreographed perfectly, with stellar coloring to push the moment. In a book like this where the different characters all have unique features it would be easy to skimp on the finer details but they make sure that even without their over the top outfits they all have distinct faces. It is also so impressive the way each panel is framed. Comic like movies or tv include the subtle art of framing. Geraldo gets this and make sure that each panel is beautiful in how its presented. I can see why both these creators have been working steady in comic for sometime, and remember that Geraldo also works on a favorite series of mine No/One.
Preview Pages
If issue #1 of Dick Tracy didn’t sell you on this new series than I don’t believe #2 will. But for those that enjoyed the first issue this issue expands so much on the world being built here, while also pushing forward the main plot. Overall I still have Dick Tracy as one of my top comics on the market today, and I say this as someone who has read a Dick Tracy comic before. If this series continues to be this good I could see wanting to go back and discover the roots of the IP. My recommendation stands, if you are someone that enjoys crime/noir or detective stories than this is the comic for you, and is a must read.
Dick Tracy #2 is on sale at you local comic shop and digitally June 12th. All cover art, preview pages, and the review copy of this title were provided by Mad Cave Studios.
Dick Tracy #1 was a great story with a ton of classic Dick Tracey elements. From the sounds of it #2 is following the same way. Thanks for the review
Adds so much to the world. You'll enjoy it!