If you haven’t been keeping up with Gatchaman it has been such a delight to read. The Saturday morning cartoon feel of this comic just brings a smile to my face with every issue I read. This issue really kept that trend going so well that I can’t help but recommend it over and over.
Cover Gallery
In this issue we find the Science Ninja Team as they try to infiltrate the evil empire Galactor. When one member of the team goes behind enemy lines, and the rest are tasked with getting her out what will they do when the plan goes awry. It feels boring that every issue of this series I have similar things to say but it’s also what I love about it. Gatchaman is the most fun I’ve had in superhero comics in years. Cullen manages to provide a good story that keeps the reader intrigued while keeping it light and fun. Catching up with the latest installment of the Science Ninja Team makes me feel like a kid watching classic Hannah Barbara cartoon wondering how they will get out of this predicament. At the same time he adds layers to the story that give it a modern edge and building human conflict throughout. This issue in particular you see an issue that has been bubbling under the surface since issue one come to a major tipping point that spells trouble for future issues. At the same time we go back to some campy cartoon fun with the team as they try to figure out why Galactor has been kidnapping scientists. It just continues to be a bright spot in my month to month comics.
Preview Pages
A bright spot for this series has been that the art team has stayed together for each issue so far. Giving that continuity can be important for a series that this. With that said it’s hard to say anything news about the art that I haven’t said already. Both the style that Chris brings to his pencils and the colors that Carlos brings to each page make it one of the most beautiful cartoony style books I’ve read. It would have been so easy to just blanket copy the anime style and call it a day but these two made sure to implement that while adding their own flair to it. This brings the book to another level.
I can’t express enough how savvy it was for Mad Cave Studios to get this IP, and then to bring on Cullen Bunn to lead the main series. With Gatchaman they continue to have one of the most fun comics on the market that has so much mass appeal. If the team here keeps up what they are doing I could see this series leading to a revival of the Science Ninja Team in other ways outside of comics, but even if that doesn’t happen this series has quickly become something I look forward to every month.
Gatchaman #3 will be available at your local comic shop and digitally September 11th 2024. All preview pages, cover art, and the review copy of this title were provided by Don’t Hide PR and Mad Cave Studios.
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Comic Review!: Gatchaman #3
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Writer-Cullen Bunn
Artist-Chris Batista
Colorist-Carlos Lopez
Letterer-Buddy Beaudion
Editor-Chas! Pangburn
If you haven’t been keeping up with Gatchaman it has been such a delight to read. The Saturday morning cartoon feel of this comic just brings a smile to my face with every issue I read. This issue really kept that trend going so well that I can’t help but recommend it over and over.
In this issue we find the Science Ninja Team as they try to infiltrate the evil empire Galactor. When one member of the team goes behind enemy lines, and the rest are tasked with getting her out what will they do when the plan goes awry. It feels boring that every issue of this series I have similar things to say but it’s also what I love about it. Gatchaman is the most fun I’ve had in superhero comics in years. Cullen manages to provide a good story that keeps the reader intrigued while keeping it light and fun. Catching up with the latest installment of the Science Ninja Team makes me feel like a kid watching classic Hannah Barbara cartoon wondering how they will get out of this predicament. At the same time he adds layers to the story that give it a modern edge and building human conflict throughout. This issue in particular you see an issue that has been bubbling under the surface since issue one come to a major tipping point that spells trouble for future issues. At the same time we go back to some campy cartoon fun with the team as they try to figure out why Galactor has been kidnapping scientists. It just continues to be a bright spot in my month to month comics.
A bright spot for this series has been that the art team has stayed together for each issue so far. Giving that continuity can be important for a series that this. With that said it’s hard to say anything news about the art that I haven’t said already. Both the style that Chris brings to his pencils and the colors that Carlos brings to each page make it one of the most beautiful cartoony style books I’ve read. It would have been so easy to just blanket copy the anime style and call it a day but these two made sure to implement that while adding their own flair to it. This brings the book to another level.
I can’t express enough how savvy it was for Mad Cave Studios to get this IP, and then to bring on Cullen Bunn to lead the main series. With Gatchaman they continue to have one of the most fun comics on the market that has so much mass appeal. If the team here keeps up what they are doing I could see this series leading to a revival of the Science Ninja Team in other ways outside of comics, but even if that doesn’t happen this series has quickly become something I look forward to every month.
Gatchaman #3 will be available at your local comic shop and digitally September 11th 2024. All preview pages, cover art, and the review copy of this title were provided by Don’t Hide PR and Mad Cave Studios.
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