In past Crowdfunding Spotlights we discussed campaigns that I have some sort of past with, whether that be a project I previously backed, people I know, or both. This week I wanted to dive into one of my favorite things about indie comics and that's discovering new creators/comics. That's exactly what happened when I discovered the latest campaign for Bixby Grant.
Now you all know by now my love for crime/noir comics. Bixby grant takes that genre and adds Universal Monsters to the mix, with the lead character being a mummy and his friend a rockabiliy vampires all set in the 1930's. I mean what's not to love there. As I look through this campaign I just adore the character designs for these creatures. They bring a modern vibe that feels right at home with classic comics art. The thing that made this project pop out to me was the art from Gonzalo Martinez and Arthur Hesli. The two come together to give this book a classic noir feel with a pop art bang. You can see preview pages for yourself in the campaign pages linked below.
So what rewards can you expect to find? Well beyond all the obvious stuff like digital copies, physical copies, and catch-up tiers (oh I forgot to mention this is the second issue of Bixby Grant's adventures!) you can find plenty of goodies to enjoy. The campaign features 3 covers to choose from for starters from artists Gonzalo Martinez, Gabriel Hardman, and a personal favorite Liana Kangas. Each one has a great unique style that really stand out. Also if you enjoy metal covers you could get the Gabriel Hardman cover as a metal variant as well! You could also pick up a poster in the add-ons as well as a digital bundle that includes one of my favorite comics Madrill P.I. #1. And as a capper there are stretch rewards that are without a doubt in reach for this campaign.
I really love everything this campaign is doing. All the reward tiers are perfectly balance, and the add-ons are great for both returning & new customers. Also being able to get the book both digitally and physically is great, unfortunately I've been seeing more and more campaigns skip digital. I hope you check out Bixby Grant: Fangs & Brimstone as I feel this book can be something fun.
Thanks for the shoutout, Chris!