Colorists-Nicholas McCauley, Alex Silverii & Mo Grant
Editor-Katrina Roets
You may have realized by now that I am a sucker for many things in media. Give me Star Wars anything and I’m interested, do a crime/noir comic I’m there, and so on. Mittens hits two of those things for me, anthropomorphized animals, and cats in space. Don’t ask why cats in space does it just know that I love it.
Mittens is an all-ages title that mixes Han Solo with Star Fox in all the best ways possible. Some of you read that and saw Mittens is a kids book…STOP. I am a fan of all-ages titles and those that read that it’s a kids book need to realize that not everything that is all-ages is strictly for kids. Shrek and Star Wars are all-ages movies, and those are two of my favorite movie franchises ever. We meet the space pilot Mittens in the first issue as he is about to go on his last burglar job, but little does he know he will uncover a secret that will lead him down a new path. Not only is the story for this comic a ton of fun but I really enjoy the art. It has a simplistic look to it with very deep designs that make the world feel realized. And the blue color pallet for this series is such a brilliant choice that makes it stand out.
For those interested in checking out the campaign there is so much you can get with your pledge, and more as this comic gets more backers. For starters, of course, there is the digital edition of the comic, as well as a digital catch up tier for you newbies. For my physical lovers out there two covers are available from the interior art team, and from the team of Gregbo Watson & Gwenaelle Daligault. Also for those that collect original art there is a sketch variant in which you can get an original piece from J.R. Harris. Plus so many extras like a plushie, stickers, trading cards and prints. My absolute favorite tier for this issue is the last one in which you can your pet drawn into this issue. I love tiers that allow people to be drawn into the comic, and this being an animal centric series it is such a great idea to do that for the pets in our lives.
Now I usually don’t talk stretch goals but the ones here I really do enjoy. For backer amounts you will get a free digital comic as part of your pledge. For the dollar amounts they are promising a special art prints for all physical backers, a special ashcan set in the Mittens universe, and an I-Spy Book. So the more people that contribute to the campaign the more awesome Mittens stuff you will get for your hard earned dollar!
When this series started a little over a year ago I was really excited to learn more about it. Once I got my copies through the first two issue I grew to very much enjoy this series. It is one of those all-ages titles that is appropriate for children but doesn’t talk down to the adults reading it. It creates a fun universe for those to jump into and great characters to fall in love with. I really hope you all take a second to check out this Kickstarter campaign with my link below.
Thanks for reading! If you want to support this SubStack please take a second and like this post, comment below if you backed the campaign, and subscribe to keep getting all my posts.
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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Mittens: Space Pilot #1-3
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Writer-Greg Moquin
Aristist/Letterer-J.R. Harris
Colorists-Nicholas McCauley, Alex Silverii & Mo Grant
Editor-Katrina Roets
You may have realized by now that I am a sucker for many things in media. Give me Star Wars anything and I’m interested, do a crime/noir comic I’m there, and so on. Mittens hits two of those things for me, anthropomorphized animals, and cats in space. Don’t ask why cats in space does it just know that I love it.
Mittens is an all-ages title that mixes Han Solo with Star Fox in all the best ways possible. Some of you read that and saw Mittens is a kids book…STOP. I am a fan of all-ages titles and those that read that it’s a kids book need to realize that not everything that is all-ages is strictly for kids. Shrek and Star Wars are all-ages movies, and those are two of my favorite movie franchises ever. We meet the space pilot Mittens in the first issue as he is about to go on his last burglar job, but little does he know he will uncover a secret that will lead him down a new path. Not only is the story for this comic a ton of fun but I really enjoy the art. It has a simplistic look to it with very deep designs that make the world feel realized. And the blue color pallet for this series is such a brilliant choice that makes it stand out.
For those interested in checking out the campaign there is so much you can get with your pledge, and more as this comic gets more backers. For starters, of course, there is the digital edition of the comic, as well as a digital catch up tier for you newbies. For my physical lovers out there two covers are available from the interior art team, and from the team of Gregbo Watson & Gwenaelle Daligault. Also for those that collect original art there is a sketch variant in which you can get an original piece from J.R. Harris. Plus so many extras like a plushie, stickers, trading cards and prints. My absolute favorite tier for this issue is the last one in which you can your pet drawn into this issue. I love tiers that allow people to be drawn into the comic, and this being an animal centric series it is such a great idea to do that for the pets in our lives.
Now I usually don’t talk stretch goals but the ones here I really do enjoy. For backer amounts you will get a free digital comic as part of your pledge. For the dollar amounts they are promising a special art prints for all physical backers, a special ashcan set in the Mittens universe, and an I-Spy Book. So the more people that contribute to the campaign the more awesome Mittens stuff you will get for your hard earned dollar!
When this series started a little over a year ago I was really excited to learn more about it. Once I got my copies through the first two issue I grew to very much enjoy this series. It is one of those all-ages titles that is appropriate for children but doesn’t talk down to the adults reading it. It creates a fun universe for those to jump into and great characters to fall in love with. I really hope you all take a second to check out this Kickstarter campaign with my link below.
Thanks for reading! If you want to support this SubStack please take a second and like this post, comment below if you backed the campaign, and subscribe to keep getting all my posts.
Mittens: Space Pilot Kickstarter
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